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Adományoz! Bármilyen nagy

vagy kicsi összeget!

Minden adomány segíti a célunkat.

USA Friends of the Budapest Jewish Cemetery was established as a United States 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are fully tax deductible for US tax payers. We would most appreciate payments via Zelle to avoid fees. The email contact to use is To pay by wire, please click on Bank details (below) or click on US Dollar below to use PayPal or credit card.

Canada We have a registered charity in Canada with the name Budapest Jewish Cemetery Heritage Fund. All donations are tax deductible for Canadian tax payers.  There are a few easy ways to donate. Click below on Canadian Dollar to pay by Paypal, credit or debit card. You may also send an etransfer using the charity name - Budapest Jewish Cemetery Heritage Fund - and the email of For wire transfers or to send a cheque, please click our bank instructions below and look for Canada.

United Kingdom We are pleased to announce that donors in the UK are now able to make tax-deductible donations in their own country via TGE (Transnational Giving Europe) and receive a fiscal receipt. In the UK, this is administered by CAF (Charities Aid Foundation). Please email  and you will be promptly sent a Gift Request form and Gift Aid Declaration form, after which a simple cheque or bank transfer within the UK just need be sent.

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Australian Dollar

US Dollar



Canadian Dollar

British Pound

Ha nincs hitelkártyád vagy nem szereted, akkor itt találod a banki adatainkat:

© Zsidó Temetők Barátai Non-profit Kft., Budapest

  • Facebook - Weiß, Kreis,
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